Upcoming Events


(Re-)Connecting Faith and Scholarship: Theological Perspectives   Friday 26th (7-9.15pm) and Saturday 27th February (9.30am-1pm) on Zoom   This event will feature plenary talks by Dr Chris Watkin, Dr Dan Strange, Dr Matt Lillicrap and Rev Dr Craig Bartholomew, and discipline-specific seminars on the following questions:   - How does one actually engage in their academic work as a Christian? What does the integration of faith and scholarship mean? - What are some key theological building blocks that enable this integration? - What is the relationship between Christ's work and our work? - What is the role of Scripture for our scholarship? - How might academics serve God's creation and bring glory to Christ?   This online event is intended for postgraduate students, post-doctoral researchers and early career academics. FACM equips Christians in the academic world to study excellently from the basis of a biblical worldview, and to draw on their expertise for cultural apologetics and mission.   Free but registration required. To find out more and register please click on the link below.   Eventbrite page...

Obedient Subversiveness: How the Bible Creates Cultural Critics   with Dr Chris Watkin on Monday, May 17th at 7:30pm BST   Christians have not always had a reputation for their depth and breadth of engagement in culture and the arts. Where they have fallen short of practising discerning cultural engagement, Dr Chris Watkin argues that it is because they have wandered away from the nature and teaching of the Christian Scriptures. In this webinar, we will see how the Bible embodies and encourages cultural engagement of the broadest and most penetrating sort. We will note that the Bible is peculiarly able to furnish favourable conditions for a cultural criticism which is expansive in scope yet disciplined in analysis, warmly affirming, acutely critiquing and subversively fulfilling the aspirations of our cultural life. Indeed, we will explore just how it is that the Bible creates wise cultural critics.   After a presentation from Dr Watkin, there will be the opportunity for discussion and Q and A on the topic of the Bible and cultural engagement.   Sign up here...

'A New Humanity': Abolition or Absolution?   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, December 4th at 7:30pm GMT (2:30pm EST)   Part 8 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   If humans are in need of improvement how can this be accomplished? Should we aim to become 'posthuman' by merging with the machine, or is there a better path to our renewal?   Sign up here...

'Now Cracks a Noble Heart': What's Wrong with Humans?   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, November 27th at 7:30pm GMT (2:30pm EST)   Part 7 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   'Man', suggested Mark Twain, 'is the only animal that blushes – or needs to'. Deep down, it is hard to escape the sense that something is wrong with us. Every major worldview has to explain human brokenness in some way. We will examine the various accounts offered today and see whether they hold up under investigation.   Sign up here...

'Eternity in Our Hearts': The Human Relationship to Time   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, November 20th at 7:30pm GMT (2:30pm EST)   Part 6 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   'What is time?', asked St Augustine. 'If no one asks me I know, but if I wish to explain it, I know not'. To be human is to have a consciousness of time, including a sense of our mortality. We will examine what it is to live in time as a way of further understanding our uniqueness as human beings.   Sign up here...

'These Restless Hearts': Human Beings as Fundamentally Desiring   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, November 13th at 7:30pm GMT (2:30pm EST)   Part 5 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   The Philosopher Baruch Spinoza thought that desire was the 'very essence of man'. To be human is to be moved by longing. In this session we will ask what our longings mean: where do they come from, and where do they move us? We will see that our desires, though frequently misdirected and incomplete, provide the essential key to understanding ourselves.   Sign up here...

'Minding the World': Human Beings as Knowledge Seekers   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, November 6th at 7:30pm GMT (2:30pm EST)   Part 4 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   Blaise Pascal wrote that 'man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed'. So, how is it that we know and how do we know that we know? We will examine how humans apprehend the world, and the light this sheds on who we are.   Sign up here...

'What a Piece of Work is Man': A View from the Outside   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, October 30th at 7:30pm GMT (3:30pm EDT)   Part 3 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   The sheer range of human capacities is astonishing, even awe-inspiring. How do we account for them all? Today, we are used to explaining human talents reductively, boiling them down quickly to something more basic. This session will beat a path towards an understanding of our humanity which elevates us, even as it grounds us in created reality.   Sign up here...

'The Interior Castle': A View from the Inside   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, October 23rd at 7:30pm BST (2:30pm EDT)   Part 2 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   Consciousness is an undeniable fact and yet a profound mystery, too. What does it mean to be conscious? And what might consciousness lead us to say about our humanity? As science probes this mystery, some now argue that we are merely ‘self-conscious nothings’. In this webinar, we will take a closer look at our interior life and consider the wonders to which it points.   Sign up here...

'Show Me Your Man and I'll Show You Your God': Human Beings as the Image of God   with Andrew Fellows on Friday, October 16th at 7:30pm BST (2:30pm EDT)   Part 1 of 8 in our 'Humanity Matters: Re-enchanting Homo Sapiens' series of webinars.   What are we? The answer we give to this question either forms the basis for our nobility as humans or points to what Darwin called our ‘lowly origin’. In this session, we will examine various contemporary accounts of what it means to be human and contrast them with one that truly ennobles us.   Sign up here...