03 Feb Join us for a Christian Heritage zoom webinar
Obedient Subversiveness:
How the Bible Creates Cultural Critics
with Dr Chris Watkin
Monday, May 17th at 7:30pm BST
Christians have not always had a reputation for their depth and breadth of engagement in culture and the arts. Where they have fallen short of practising discerning cultural engagement, Dr Chris Watkin argues that it is because they have wandered away from the nature and teaching of the Christian Scriptures. In this webinar, we will see how the Bible embodies and encourages cultural engagement of the broadest and most penetrating sort. We will note that the Bible is peculiarly able to furnish favourable conditions for a cultural criticism which is expansive in scope yet disciplined in analysis, warmly affirming, acutely critiquing and subversively fulfilling the aspirations of our cultural life. Indeed, we will explore just how it is that the Bible creates wise cultural critics.
After a presentation from Dr Watkin, there will be the opportunity for discussion and Q and A on the topic of the Bible and cultural engagement.
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