15 Jul Please join us for a special Christian Heritage zoom webinar
A Costly Silence: Northern Ireland, the Church and the Culture of Abortion
a Conversation with Dawn McAvoy and Philippa Taylor
Friday, 7th of August, 8pm BST (3pm EDT)
Until this Spring, Northern Ireland was the safest place in the UK for unborn children. Its life-affirming laws and culture have ensured that over 100,000 people are now alive who otherwise would not be. This tradition of protecting life has now been upended by a Westminster parliament determined to foist radical abortion law on the province. This webinar will tell the story of this unprecedented policy intervention and the deeper cultural changes which have made it possible. In conversation with Dawn McAvoy (Both Lives Matter) and Philippa Taylor (CARE), we’ll trace how the culture of abortion became normative in the UK, ask where the Church has been as the rights of the weakest have been undermined, and explore how the Christian faith equips us to think and act at such a time as this.
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