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Part II of Andrew Fellows' Fall talk series.   The German philosopher Nietzsche predicted that the ‘death of God’ would lead to a culture of emptiness. That has transpired and our voided age needs God. But which God? In this lecture series Andrew Fellows argues that the antidote is a deep engagement with the true and living God and that He alone is the way back to reality, stability, and true happiness.   The nature of who God is means that He is always true to Himself. Contrary to what we believe, this is simply not possible for humans. In this lecture we see that humans only become who they were meant to be in relation to the One who is the great 'I AM'.   ...

Part I of Andrew Fellows' Fall talk series.   The German philosopher Nietzsche predicted that the ‘death of God’ would lead to a culture of emptiness. That has transpired and our voided age needs God. But which God? In this lecture series Andrew Fellows argues that the antidote is a deep engagement with the true and living God and that He alone is the way back to reality, stability, and true happiness.   While the modern outlook reduces everything to some version of a monistic oneness, Christianity holds out a vision of two distinct orders of being. One is the unique life of God, and the other is creation. In this lecture, we see how grasping this distinction is the key to understanding reality rightly.   ...

Johann Georg Hamann is the key Enlightenment thinker that you don't generally get to hear about. He had critiqued Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason before that seminal work was even published, and he was admired by Goethe, Schelling, Schlegel, and Kierkegaard.   In this webinar, Dr John Betz (University of Notre Dame) talks about how Hamann is a great example of how Christians engage thoughtfully with culture, and asks whether he could be a model for us as we seek to be salt and light in a collapsing society.   ...

In his new book, The Return of the God Hypothesis, Dr Stephen Meyer sheds light on three scientific discoveries which he believes point to an Intelligent Designer. In this second Moot Point event, Dr James Croft, a philosopher and humanist, interacts with Dr Meyer, discussing the case for and against design in the Universe.   ...

If Christians sometimes fall short of practising discerning cultural engagement, Dr Chris Watkin argues that it is because they have wandered away from the nature and teaching of the Christian Scriptures. In this webinar, Chris explores how the Bible embodies and encourages cultural engagement of the broadest and most penetrating sort, revealing how we can become wise cultural critics.   ...